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Article · Mar 16, 2018

A B2C to B2B transformation story: Carbonite CEO to speak at NewCo Boston

Color illustration showing the buildings of small and medium-sized businesses in a secure cloud.

What steps did CarboniteTM take to transform itself into a global business-to-business data protection leader? How does one create an effective brand in today's increasingly competitive B2B technology industry?

Come and listen to Carbonite President and CEO Mohamad Ali speak at NewCo Boston and you're sure to find out.

The NewCo mission aims to connect businesses with the right audiences by bringing together leading thinkers and doers at innovation festivals and executive events and sparking discussions about business and technology. We're thrilled that Carbonite has been chosen to host NewCo Boston for the third year in a row.

During our session, you’ll hear Mohamad Ali speak about Carbonite’s transformation from a B2C to a B2B company and the high levels of cross-functional collaboration required by the process. From systems updates in IT to a complete brand refresh in marketing, you'll learn how Carbonite reinvented itself and find out what Carbonite has planned for the future. 



Caitlin O'Malley

Public Relations Specialist

Caitlin O'Malley is a Public Relations Specialist on Carbonite's Corporate Marketing Team. She blogs about small business trends, ransomware protection and backup & recovery software.

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