Equifax. Target. Home Depot. And Yahoo. The list goes on, without an end in sight. Data breaches have been a nightmare for businesses and consumers alike—and a living hell for cybersecurity teams. Who is responsible? Why do big companies with vast resources still fall victim to cybercriminals? How can you protect yourself? Breach is a new podcast that digs deep to find the answers.
Hosted by award-winning cybersecurity journalist Bob Sullivan and veteran podcast producer Alia Tavakolian, Breach investigates history's biggest data breaches with the help of the world's foremost IT security experts, technology reporters and white hat hackers.
Season one takes an in-depth look at the largest known hack in history—the Yahoo data breach—when cybercriminals compromised 3 billion Yahoo user accounts, including names, email addresses, phone numbers and more. Watch this trailer for a quick preview of what to expect:
Listen to Breach to find out:
• How a series of missteps helped make Yahoo a target.
• Why hackers targeted specific Yahoo user accounts.
• Why U.S. law enforcement believes Russian operatives are behind the hacks.
Go behind the scenes to hear details of how the Yahoo data breach unfolded, and what the tech industry learned as a result.