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Article · Jun 3, 2024

Empowering Families Online: Internet Safety Month Strategies

Each June, the online safety community observes Internet Safety Month as a time to reflect on our digital habits and ensure we’re taking the best precautions to stay safe online. It serves as a reminder for everyone—parents, teachers, and kids alike—to be mindful of our online activities and to take steps to protect ourselves.

Child working on laptop PC.

Why is it important?

As summer approaches and we all pursue a bit more leisure time—that typically includes more screen time—it's important to understand the risks and safeguard our digital well-being. While the Internet offers us countless opportunities, it also comes with risks that we must be aware of:


This makes Internet Safety Month the perfect time to review our digital habits and ensure that we are doing everything that we can to stay safe.

Tips to keep your online experience secure

Use strong passwords

Using strong, unique passwords for each account is crucial. A strong password usually includes a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or pet names. If managing multiple passwords seems overwhelming, consider using a reputable password manager to securely store them. This way, you can simplify your password life while ensuring your accounts remain safe from unauthorized access.

Protect yourself from online scams and extortion

Online scams are getting more sophisticated and widespread. You might encounter phishing emails that look like they're from real organizations, fake websites promising unbelievable deals, or requests for personal information through social media or messaging apps.

Always double-check the authenticity of any requests before giving out sensitive information. For instance, if you receive an email claiming to be from your bank asking you to update your account details, avoid clicking on any links in the email. Instead, go directly to your bank's official website or contact them using a verified phone number. This way, you can protect yourself from falling victim to scams and ensure your personal information remains secure.

Manage your online reputation wisely

What you post online can have long-lasting effects on your personal and professional life. Employers and universities often check social media profiles before making decisions. Teach your children about the importance of online reputation. Emphasize the need to think before you post, adjust privacy settings on social media to limit who can see your information, and encourage regular monitoring of their online presence. Explain that digital content, once posted, is difficult to remove, and even more difficult to reclaim.

Protect your data and privacy

Personal information is valuable to cybercriminals, so it's crucial to share only necessary information online. Review the privacy policies of websites and apps to understand how your data will be used and protected. Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible and use secure, encrypted connections (https) to safeguard your information from being intercepted by malicious actors. By taking these steps, you can protect your data and ensure your online privacy.

Safeguard your data

Data breaches are a common occurrence, so it's essential to take steps to protect your data. Keep your devices and software updated with the latest security patches. When it comes to protecting your digital life, a reliable backup service is indispensable. Consider using Carbonite, which offers cloud backup solutions tailored for both personal and business use. With features like unlimited backup and seamless file restoration, Carbonite provides a safety net against unforeseen data loss, ensuring your information is secure and easily recoverable.

Tips for parents to keep your children safe online

Educate your child about cyber safety

Education is the cornerstone of internet safety. Teach your children about the risks and responsibilities of using the internet. Explain the importance of strong passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and not sharing personal information online. Encourage critical thinking and skepticism when encountering suspicious messages or requests.

It's also crucial to let your kids know they should ask for help or let an adult know if they make a mistake online and are concerned about something. Encourage them to speak up if something seems suspicious or makes them uncomfortable. By fostering open communication, you can help your child navigate the internet safely and responsibly.

Securing your child’s online time

Children are particularly vulnerable to online threats, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and interactions with strangers. Install parental control software to monitor and restrict your child's online activities. Initiate open discussions with your children about the risks they may encounter and teach them about the importance of personal safety and respect online. Help your child understand that the person behind a social media profile may not be who they appear to be.

Protect your child from cyberbullying and predators

It's crucial to protect your child from online predators and cyberbullies. Make sure to explain the dangers of sharing personal information online and advise your child not to communicate with strangers. Besides cyberbullying and online predators, another serious concern is online trafficking. Traffickers often target vulnerable individuals, including children and teens, through social media platforms, online gaming communities, and chat rooms.

Educate your child about common tactics that traffickers use, such as manipulation, false promises, and threats. Teach them how to recognize and respond to suspicious behavior. Encourage your child to come to you or another trusted adult if they encounter anything that makes them uncomfortable online. By staying informed and communicating openly, you can help protect your child from potential dangers on the internet.

Educate your child about social media safety

Social media platforms are a common way for children and teens to connect with friends and share their lives, but they can also pose risks. Teach your child about privacy settings and encourage them to only accept friend requests from people they know in real life. Discuss the importance of thinking before posting and the potential consequences of sharing too much personal information online. By educating your child about these aspects of social media safety, you can help them navigate these platforms responsibly.

Take action now

Internet Safety Month is an opportunity to strengthen our digital defenses and educate ourselves and our children about online safety. By implementing these practices and fostering open communication about internet use, we can create a safer online environment for everyone.

Remember, the internet offers incredible opportunities for learning and connecting, but staying safe online requires vigilance and awareness. Let's make internet safety a priority throughout the year, not just in June.


Nicole Beaudoin headshot

Nicole Beaudoin

Marketing Manager

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